Five Things To Know About VR

By: Joel McConvey, Director of Digital at SESQUI

Virtual Reality is set to be the next big technological revolution. In VR, things change by the day. Here are a few facts to help you navigate this exciting new frontier.

Processed with VSCOcam with m5 preset1. It’s New, But Not

VR is riding a huge wave, but the idea has been around for a while. The pioneers were active in the 1950s and 60s, when filmmaker Mort Heilig patented a 3D cabinet known as the Sensorama, military engineer Tom Furness developed a new kind of flight simulator, and visionary Ivan Sutherland invented, as he described in an essay, “a room within which the computer can control the existence of matter.”

2. The Current Wave Has Humble Beginnings

The Oculus Rift, the first VR headset to hit the commercial market (in March 2016) was invented by an 18-year-old named Palmer Luckey, who built the first prototype in 2011, in his parents’ California garage.

3. Big Names Are On Board

In 2014, Facebook acquired Oculus VR for the sum of $2 billion USD. Since then, Google has shipped 5 million of its Cardboard viewers, allowing people to experience VR using their smartphones. Recently, big brands like McDonald’s, Volvo and Marriott have released VR experiences.

4. Most Everyone Is Still Figuring Out How To Use It

VR hardware is leading the push, but for most creators, content is still full of questions. Is it an empathy machine? Can you tell a story with it? Some experts say it will take years for the grammar of VR to fully emerge.

5. SESQUI Is Doing It!

SESQUI is working with Canadian VR creators to make its own VR experience, set to launch in early 2017. Stay tuned for more updates and info on how SESQUI’s virtual celebration is coming together!